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Mosasaur, the Return!
Book Two of the Mosasaur Series

is now available!

ISBN: 978-1-4389-2597-4
Retail Price $17.99

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“Mosasaur, the Return” - The Terror is Back!!
   James King is back, in this sequel to the science fiction novel “The Crater, Seven Days of Terror” that pits man against beast…again. Flashback: the year is 1973 and the W.A.R facility has stored highly toxic and radioactive waste on a secret military installation in central Florida. But during the 1960’s thru the 1980’s, another highly top secret government genetic research facility located near Welaka also has released hundreds of genetically altered test subjects into the wild near the toxic dumping ground unknowingly over a twenty year period. Strange attacks have taken place from the most unusual sources: rabbits, deer and fish; attacks that occurred right up to the year 1992 when the first Mosasaur escaped through the earth into our modern world of which we live in through a large sink hole near the area in question. After seven grueling days of death, the first Mosasaur was exterminated but not before leaving something behind-a brood of seven vicious hungry pups!   Eight years have passed and no more attacks upon humans have taken place since that horrible week in 1992, and now eight years later, only three of the Mosasaur brood remains as they forage for food. Only that the food they’ve consumed during the past eight years has been contaminated through genetic manipulation, toxic and radioactive residues, accelerating their growth rate-to nearly fifty feet long and as wide as a dump truck. Then the attacks begin, first with two fishermen, then a party boat full of people and next three escaped prisoners; the number of dead continue to increase as Putnam County is once again locked down with the US Army, National Guard and countless Law Enforcement Officers in a desperate search and destroy mission before the death toll once again rises too high. John Jason Robards, the eccentric millionaire and fossil collector is also back with a vengeance as he maneuvers his childhood friend the Governor into a plot to capture the killer Mosasaur, for Robards has secretly built a massive habitat to hold the vicious predator and in which he entices Dr. King into running the facility and at the same time gaining full access to the Mosasaur, but only if they can catch it in time.

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